
Showing posts from March, 2018

Just Breathe

                                                            Ozzie Garcia, M.A., LCPC Stress is one of those things in life that we find ourselves developing a relationship with. Perhaps you can recall a time where you needed to really dig deep to deal with stress. Other times, we can relax and enjoy the flow of life because we have a handle on things. From the daily hurdles to the big jumps that can trip us up for weeks, I find that learning to pay attention to your breathing for a short period of time is a helpful skill to have in your toolbox. One problem seems to be that we forget to stop and take a break. A moment to pause and just check in with ourselves for this very purpose, to breathe. It always blows my mind to think of how much goes on when we go about the automatic process of breathing. We take on average 12-20 breaths per minute, and in that process of inhale exhale, we don’t usually notice the work our lungs and respiratory system engage in. Guards at the front gat